FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > Setting the FaxPress Premier Server Properties > User Authentication (Novell only)

User Authentication (Novell Only)

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The User Authentication tab is available when you are using FaxPress Premier on a Novell network, and your client workstation has the Novell client installed on it.

Depending on how your Novell network is set up, and how you set up the User Groups on the network, you can use FaxPress Premier native authentication, NDS authentication, or Novell bindery file server authentication. For details on setting up these Novell facilities, see your Novell System Administrator documentation.

In the How Should FaxPress authenticate users section, use the radio buttons and fields to specify the method for users to access FaxPress Premier. This will depend on the level of security you want, and which type of Novell Network you have installed FaxPress Premier on.

With FaxPress native authentication only, using login ID and password entered by the user - This option means that users must use a login ID and password in order to use FaxPress. This is the default setting and has no additional parameters.

With Novell NDS authentication using the network login ID - Select this option if you are on a Novell NDS network and want to enable Single Sign On; users will sign on to their network server, and will not have to sign into FaxPress Premier. When you select this option, the serial number group configured for FaxPress Premier users is shown, and the context for that group is listed in the adjacent field. If you want to change the context, click the Browse button. In the Authentication Context window that opens, highlight a context and click OK. The mandatory FaxPress user groups must exist in the context you choose.

The Browse button opens the Authentication Context window.

Use this window to select a new context for serial number or global FaxPress Premier user groups. Navigate through the NDS hierarchy to the context you want and select it, then click OK to specify this context. The mandatory FaxPress user groups must exist in the selected context. For more information on managing contexts and user groups in an NDS network, see your Novelle Network Administrator documentation.

Also, use global FaxPress groups in context - Check this option if you want users to have access to all available FaxPress servers. You can accept the context that is listed in the field under the checkbox, or you can click Browse and use the Authentication Context window to select a new context, then click OK. The mandatory FaxPress user groups must exist in the context you choose.

With Novel Bindery File Server - Select this radio button if you use a legacy Novell Bindery Server for authentication. Users must be logged into the Novell Bindery Server specified in the text box in order to be able to login to FaxPress Premier. However, no additional password is required for FaxPress Premier if the user is logged in to the specified server.

In the When Automatically Creating a Mailbox section:

Mailbox template based on - Use this pull-down menu to select a template for the FaxPress mailbox created for new users. The menu contains a default template, GUEST, an NDS_template, and templates based on the mailboxes of all other registered users. You can choose one of the standard templates, or base the new mailboxes on the template of an existing user's mailbox, or you can create your own template, give it a name, and choose it in this menu.

Use the New Accounts and Existing Accounts tabs to set passwords controlling direct access to FaxPress Premier for user accounts.

Generate Random Password - Select the radio button for this New Accounts or Existing Accounts option if you want to prevent all existing users from logging into FaxPress Premier without first logging into a Novell Network or Bindery Server. Users will not be able to learn a password for access.

Set Password - Select the radio button for this New Accounts or Existing Accounts option, then enter a password in the field, if you want to change the password you have shared with users so they can log into FaxPress Premier directly, without first logging in to a Novell Network or Novell Bindery Server.

Leave Password Unchanged - Select the radio button for this Existing Accounts option if you have created a password to give users direct access to FaxPress (without being logged into a Novel Network or Novell Bindery Server) and you want to retain this access for all existing FaxPress users.

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FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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